
JKA Scotland members shook off the festive season cobwebs and made their way to Dunfermline High School on Saturday 13th January 2018, where they were treated to our first national course of the year, the brown and black belt Kata course with Sensei Ohta.


The first hour of the course was a joint brown and black belt instruction with Sensei Ohta. We were treated to Bassai Dai. Sensei gave us all an insight to the complexities of the kata and made us very aware of the slight changes we can make, with our stances and expansion/contraction of our movement to reach a far more superior and effective outcome. An extremely enlightening education for everyone in the dojo.


In the second hour the class was split and the brown belts were given an indepth understanding of kata Jion by Sensei Alan Simpson from our JKA Scotland Technical Committee. The black belts were treated to kata Gankaku with sensei Ohta. This was a great class on the rotation and power needed with our hip movements to execute an effective move. Application of the kata was demonstrated and tested by the students.

Scottish National Gasshuku 2017


Over the weekend of Friday 19th to Sunday 21st October students from all over Scotland came together for the JKA Scotland Gasshuku 2017.


The October National Course offered quality instruction from world class JKA instructors.  The instructors for the 2017 course were:


Kurasako Sensei 7th Dan - JKA HQ Instructor 
Ohta Sensei 7th Dan - JKA England 
Oganae Sensei 4th Dan - JKA HQ Instructor

This was a very enjoyable and successful weekend.


Congratulations also to all students who sat and passed Dan Gradings.

Announcement - Massage Therepy Treatment Opening Soon


JKA Dunfermline Karate Academy and Fitness Studio are delighted to announce that Shinshin Therapies will soon be opening within the premises their very own purpose built Massage and Beauty treatment room.


We look forward to opening soon and welcoming our clients to our new therapy room.

JKA Dunfermline Karate Academy's newly refurbished Dojo and Fitness Studio opened on Sunday 4th June 2017.


This new dojo enhances training for all students with a number of specifically tailored classes for all grades and also the use of the dojo for their personal training and Fitness.


Students can also use the additional classes available to them outwith Karate within our Studio & Gym.

Scottish National Gasshuku 2016


Over the weekend of Frifay 21st to Sunday 23rd October students from all over Scotland came together for the JKA Scotland Gasshuku 2016.


The October National Course offered quality instruction from world class JKA instructors.  The instructors for the 2016 course were:


Imamura Sensei 7th Dan - JKA HQ Instructor 
Ohta Sensei 7th Dan - JKA England 
Shimizu Sensei 5th Dan - JKA HQ Instructor

This was a very enjoyable and successful weekend.


Congratulations also to all students who sat and passed Dan Gradings.

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